Philadelphia Area Intergroup (PAIG)
PAIG is the Philadelphia Area Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous. An Intergroup is an organization made up of representatives from OA groups in this area (Philadelphia, Bucks, and Montgomery Counties). We are registered with the OA World Service Office.
We have a Board consisting of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. Rounding out the Board are 2 World Service Business Conference (WSBC) and 3 Region 7 (R7) representatives along with a Region 7 alternate. We currently have 1 WSBC and 1 R7 representative positions open. Contact the PAIG Chairperson if you’re interested in performing service above the group level.
The Intergroup meets the first Wednesday of every month from 7:15pm – 8:45pm ET. Please contact the PAIG Chair for meeting details.
Along with a Board, we have committees to ultimately help carry the message of OA. They include:
- AWARE (Newsletter): the AWARE editor is responsible for putting together and creating our monthly newsletter which contains articles, resources, contact information and more.
- Printer: the printer is responsible for all hard copies of flyers and Intergroup related information.
- Public Information/Public Outreach (PI/PO): this committee is responsible for coming up with ideas to carry OA's message to those outside of the "rooms". This includes both the general public and the healthcare environments.
- Speaker List: often times, meetings need speakers to share their experience, strength and hope. The Speaker List is a general repository of all members who are willing to speak at meetings.
- Communications: the goal of this committee is to respond to inquiries and connect members on PAIG’s telephone, text, or other electronic communication channels.
- Web: this committee keeps the website current with up-to-date information, events and the like.
AWARE Newsletter
AWARE is our monthly newsletter which contains pertinent events, addresses, and information for our local area. The AWARE also contains articles filled with experience, strength, and hope that our local members have decided to share.
Read our latest edition of AWARE:
March 2025
Bylaws and Policy Manual
The Bylaws are our governing document which outline such things as requirements and descriptions for service positions.
Read the PAIG Bylaws (February 2023).
The Policy Manual defines our operating policies on things such as reimbursements.
PAIG Meeting Minutes
Click on a link below to read the meeting minutes from the corresponding PAIG meeting.
PAIG relies entirely on contributions from within the OA fellowship. You can send your donations in two ways.
You’ll need to log into your PayPal account first and then you’ll see a ‘Send Money’ page. Use the following email address to donate to PAIG:
Click here to ‘Send Money’ through PayPal.
Follow the instructions that appear onscreen and you should receive an email confirmation and receipt of your payment.
The second method is to mail a check in the amount of your contribution.
Checks should be made payable to PAIG – OA and mailed to:
P.O. Box 23
Southampton, PA 18966
Contributions can be made by meetings or individuals. Note: Please include your Group Number (or meeting name, location, day and time) if you’re making a donation on behalf of your meeting.
We thank you for all of your donations that has helped PAIG to continue carrying OA’s message!
Speaker Release Form
Are you currently or thinking about recording speakers at your meeting? All speakers need to sign the Speaker Release Form. You can download a copy here.
Once signed, please scan and send the completed form to PAIG’s webmaster.
Expense Report Forms
All reimbursable expenses must be accompanied by an expense report. Use the Excel version if you have Excel and want your totals calculated for you. Use the PDF version if you want to print out the form and fill it in manually.
Contact PAIG
Email the PAIG Vice Chair (with any meeting changes)
Check the latest edition of the AWARE newsletter for more contact information.